Company profile


Proceed for the future based on a foundation of half century

It is shouted the IT age on the 21st century and people's life has improved more and more with the speedup of information. We think that the each one longing for more productive every day in the contemporary society.

At the time of the establishment of a business, we brought high quality parts to the customers that exceed the genuine parts of each maker. It reached the diversification of the life intention now, we continuing answering to subdivided needs by abundant assortment of merchandise. We surely catch the change of needs and we deliver to you various merchandise with the change from surely circulate the merchandise to safely and comfortably circulate it.

Our company is basing on the prompt delivery of truly valuable merchandise by the price that is able to satisfy our customer; and we developing the new product which captured factor that the modern society demands versatilely. Japan is already a member in the globalized world, and we assume that choosing the excellent products of world that suits Japanese people and the soil, by reliable eyes and delivering it are our missions.

Quality Selector.....TANIO
We will proceed regardless of domestic or overseas, and continue to demand wide high-quality and high-performance merchandise in the future.

Company Name TANIO Corporation Limited
Company Location
Head office530-0037 JAPAN
5-4 Matsugae-cho Kita-ku,Osaka, OSK
Phone +81-6-6358-0651 Fax +81-6-6358-0656
E-mail :
Kanto office238-0031 JAPAN
2-30 Kinugasasakae-cho,yokosuka KANAGAWA
kyusyu office803-0827 JAPANA
1-14-30 Midorigaoka ogurakitaku,kitakyusyu FUKUOKA
Kashiwagi building 202
Foundation January 6, 1951
Capital 10,000,000 yen
役 員
President and
Representative Director
Toshio Tanio
Senior managing directorHideo Tanio
Managing DirectorKenichi Tanio
DirectorNoriko Tanio
AuditorHiroko Tanio
Employees 43 (male 35, female 8)
Turnover 3.5 billion yen
Substance of business
  • Domestic supply as a agency of the Kawasaki Genuine parts.
  • As a wholesale trade, original brand [T's] and motorcycle related merchandise, and helmets of Arai and SHOEI are sold in wholesale to the motorcycle supplies shop in about 500 shops in the whole country.
  • LIQUI MOLY MOTORBIKE as a Japanese distributor of motorcycle oil, additives, etc. in Japan
Main Vendors Please refer to "Main customer".
Main Customers About 500 famous shops of motorcycle supplies in the whole country.
Main Banks
Bank of Mitsubishi UFJ
Mizuho Bank
114 Bank
ajima Bank
1951 January. It was in 192 Umegae-cho, Kita-ku, private operation by the late Mitsuo Tanio, and compact car supplies commerce "Tanio Store" is progressively succeeded to, and started from the change of the title and the organization to "Tanio Corporation Ltd.". (It mainly began supply to a car dealer in anchor product such as DAIHATSU, MAZDA and KUROGANE at the same time to run a wholesale trade for a provincial city.)
1955 May. A land was bought in 56 Umegae-cho Kita-ku and built wooden 2 stories and along with the run of business, it concentrated each sales department and planned the improvement of sales division and established a sales network from Tokyo to the west. (From then it paid attention to the motorcycle section, and it point to the wholesale distribution of the HONDA, Meguro and Cabton etc.)
1960 June. The agency contract of the Meguro parts was made to Meguro Co., Ltd.
1962 October. The agency contract of the BRIDGESTONE parts was made to BRIDGESTONE Tire Ltd.
1966 April. The agency contract of the parts was made to Kawasaki motorcycle sales Ltd. that is related to manufacturing of Kawasaki aircraft Co., Ltd. (present Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.).
1967 June The agency contract was made between Keihin precision machines Ltd. and began supply of carburetors to the car dealers of HONDA MOTOR Co., LTD. and also to each S・F companies.
1967 November. As business expanded, new building of reinforced concrete construction and four stories (present building) were built in Kita-ku Matsugae-cho then the aiming to integrate each business department and enhancement of the business situation.
1972 April. The late Mitsuo Tanio assumed chief director of Osaka Compact Car Parts Dealer Association.(Served it until June, 1975. )
1973 June. Elected to a trustee of Incorporated Foundation Kita Tax Payment Association. (Afterward, elected in 1989 to the director, in 1993 to the standing director and arrives to now.)
1973 November. It received courtesy from the Kita tax office as an excellent declaration corporation.
1975 June. The late Kikuo Tanio assumed the president by decease of Mitsuo Tanio who was the establishment president.
1977 June. The 3 stories warehouse of steel construction was built in old headquarters (Umegae-cho). A land of north side adjoining building of this company (Matsugae-cho) was bought and built the steel construction 4 stories warehouse, then established more a meeting room and a staff canteen with the rationalization of facilities.
1978 April. The late Kikuo Tanio assumed chief director of Osaka Compact Car Parts Dealer Association.(Served 3 terms, 6 years)
1978 July. Contracted carburetors agency with Mikuni Tsusho Co., Ltd. related to manufacturing of Mikuni Kogyo Co., Ltd.
1978 November. It received courtesy from the Kita tax office as an excellent declaration corporation.
1980 October. Contracted general agency of Japan with the HEIN GERICKE Co. of West Germany, and mutual business tie-up for import and export etc.
1980 November. Contracted as general agency of Japan of NAVA products with the NAVA Moto Co. of Italy.
1983 November. It received courtesy from the Kita tax office as an excellent declaration corporation.
1984 November. It received recognized to the rationalization of operations and the modernization by the incorporated association of Osaka Rationalization of Operations. It received recognized to the operation improvements by the incorporated association of Osaka Wholesalers Party Federation.
1988 November. It received courtesy from the Kita tax office as an excellent declaration corporation.
1989 November. Japan Motorcycle Accessories Association (JMCA) was formed, and the late Kikuo Tanio assumed the position of the first chief director. (Assumption of office period 8 years and 6 months, afterwards he cooperated as a honored chief director.)
1993 November. It received courtesy from the Kita tax office as an excellent declaration corporation.
1996 April. It received recognized to the cooperation to industrial development from the governor of Osaka Prefecture.
1998 November. It received courtesy from the Kita tax office as an excellent declaration corporation.
2001 January. Came the foundation 50th anniversary.
2001 April. The late Kikuo Tanio assumed the position of the chairman. Toshio Tanio assumed the position of the president along with it.
2001 June. Toshio Tanio assumed chief director of Osaka Compact Car Parts Dealer Association.(Served 3 terms, 6 years)
2002 October. Kikuo Tanio chairman passed away.
2003 October. Original brand [T's] was started in earnest.
2003 November. It received courtesy from the Kita tax office as an excellent declaration corporation.
2007 February. Toshio Tanio assumed the position of the chief director of Japan Motorcycle Accessories Association (JMCA).
2008 November. It received courtesy from the Kita tax office as an excellent declaration corporation.
2011 January. Came the foundation 60th anniversary.
2016 November Concluded a contract with LIQUI MOLY Gmbh as a distributor in Japan for LIQUI MOLY MOTORBIKE products. Started domestic supply of motorcycle oil, additives, etc.